Following the events of Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria on the 7th of February 2009; regulations were rewritten and a new standard adopted by the BCA in 2010, to improve the ability of residential buildings within a bushfire prone area, to withstand a bushfire attack and to provide greater protection for occupants who may be sheltering whist the fire front passes.

On the 30th of September 2016, the Building Regulations changed to include all Class 4 Residential, 9a Health-Care, 9c Aged Care and 9b School & Childcare buildings to comply with building code and Australian Standard bushfire requirements with respect to the properties bushfire attack level (BAL) determined by a BAL assessment report.

What is a BAL Assessment?

All sites within a bushfire prone zone need to be assessed to ascertain the BAL which will then determine the construction methods most appropriate for that particular building.

The bushfire assessment will establish the relevant construction methods required, create defendable space and ensure adequate water supply and emergency vehicle access is provided.

A BAL assessment must be undertaken as a part of the application for a building permit and will be used by the Building Surveyor to check compliance with the construction requirements of the Standard.

The BAL Assessment takes numerous factors into consideration, including the Fire Danger Index, slope of land, types of surrounding vegetation and their proximity to any building.

What is the Fire Danger Index?

The Fire Danger Index is a measure of the associated fire weather and the probability of a bushfire starting, including rate of spread, intensity and difficulty of suppression; all of which is influenced by daily rainfall and time elapsed since last rainfall.

Levels of BAL

Areas are defined under six Bushfire Attack Level (BAL) categories from low to extreme risk.


BAL – 12.5

BAL – 19

BAL – 29

BAL – 40


Review the construction requirements based on the BAL levels noted above | AS3959 -BAL Construction Requirements

Bushfire Prone Area Maps

Victoria has an online Bushfire Pone Area (BPA) maps which can be viewed at

If the proposed building is within a BPA then a BAL assessment must be undertaken.