The recent introduction (4 July 2016) of a Section 30A checklist which must be provided by the Relevant Building Surveyor (RBS) to Council, requires the RBS to sight and certify the engagement and/or end of engagement of a building practitioner and/or architect.

As an example:

If an architects’ contract with a project ceases (prior to or during construction), written notification must be provided to the RBS, within 14 days of termination, from both the architect and the owner, confirming the end of engagement.

Should another architect be engaged for any further/amended design aspects of the project, written notice of engagement from the owner must be provided to the RBS within 14 days of engagement.

Items to note:

It is important to ensure that approval is received from the original architect to confirm the use of drawings by the newly engaged architect, as the intellect will always belong to the architect, regardless of payment (unless otherwise stated in the original contract of engagement).

The introduction of this checklist item will ensure the relevant documentation is provided in accordance with Section 25A of the Building Act.

Requirements moving forward:

Grimbos Building Surveyors will request confirmation from the building practitioner and/or architect, that the relevant Architectural and Services drawings may be used to completion of construction for the particular project.

Attached is a copy of the Section 30A checklist, to provide an understanding of the RBS requirements.

Section 30A