An ‘Alternative Solution’ is considered when compliance with the ‘Deemed to Satisfy’ provisions of the Building Code of Australia (BCA) is not available or physically impossible due to building restraints.

An Alternative Solution provides the opportunity to consider an alternate design solution which must be assessed using one of the ‘Assessment Methods’ of the BCA. These methods primarily involve assessing the alternate building solution against the Performance Requirements of the BCA, thus ensuring the Objectives and Functional Statements have been adequately met.

For example;

To comply with the ‘Deemed to Satisfy’ provision of the BCA, an office building requires that the maximum travel distance to a single exit is not more than 20 metres. However if the travel distance is for example; 25 metres, then the ‘Alternate Solution’ may be to install a smoke detection system for early occupancy warning or install a sprinkler system for early fire suppression.

An Alternative Solution pertaining to fire based matters, such as egress non-compliances or rationalisation of fire resistance, can only be prepared by a registered fire safety engineer and then checked and certified by the fire safety engineer or Building Surveyor who has successfully completed a Graduate Certification in Performance Base Building and Fire Codes. John Grimbos retains this qualification and therefore has the ability to provide this additional service to clients.

For buildings not meeting the above requirements, a dispensation may be applied. In this instance a Building Surveyor can use his or her discretion to permit a non-compliance, but it must always maintain and adequate level of structural adequacy for the building, health, amenity and safety of the building occupancy and prevent the risk of fire spread to or from adjoining building.