Complex or Standard Gas Installation?

Energy Safe Victoria is responsible for ensuring that all new and existing gas…

NCC 2022 Notable Changes

NCC 2022 is now here! The ABCB has released the first stage of the 2022…

Domestic Builder Changes

The class of Domestic Builder – Manager (DB-M) is being phased out and will…

Building Permit Application Changes

Commencing 1 July 2019, Registered Building Surveyors (RBS) must submit an…

Mandatory Registration of Swimming Pools & Spas

Legislation was recently passed to make the registration of swimming pools and…

Changes to the Victorian Plumbing Regulations

The Victorian Building Authority has worked with industry and the Department of…

Building Dispute Resolution Service

A new Victorian Government service for resolving disputes between home owners…

VBA Proactive Inspection Program

In late 2015 the VBA and Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) launched the…

Penalties for carrying out Building Work without a Permit

Effective 4th July 2016, land owners and owner-builders are responsible for…

Directions to Fix Building Work

Building Surveyors are required by law to issue a direction to fix building…