Changes have been made to the way the cladding rectification levy is applied to certain building works from 1 February 2021.
Where a building has multiple classes of building work, the cladding rectification levy will be calculated on the component of work that relates to classes 2 to 8 only, rather than the entire cost of work (COW).
The cladding levy will apply to projects which meet all of the following criteria:
The Building Permit is for a building:
> that is not, or will not be, in regional Victoria;
> that is, or will be of any of classes 2 to 8;
> that has a cost of building works that relate to class 2 to 8 of $800,000 or more.
An application for a building permit must specify the COW and the following information :
> whether the building work relates to more than one class of building,
> if the building work relates to more than one class of building, it must specify each class of building that the building work relates to; and
> if the building work relates to more than one class of building, and those classes of building include one or more class of 2 to 8 and a class 1, 9 or 10 building, it must state:
i. the cost of the building work that relates to the class or classes of 2 to 8 building; and
ii. the cost of the building work that relates to the class 1, 9 or 10 building
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