Wednesday 1 May 2019 will see the adoption of NCC 2019 Volumes, 1, 2 and 3.
A number of changes have been made to Volume 1 with the most notable changes to Fire Resistance, Access & Egress, Fire Services & Equipment and Amenities provisions.
To assist in identifying these changes we have collated items that we see as being the major changes and provided them in layman terms below.
Should further information be required to assist in understanding the provisions, reference should be made to the NCC 2019 or contact made with your relevant Building Code Consultant.
Whilst we have attempted to include items that we deem to be of major change, the below list is not exhaustive and should not be solely relied upon.
Fire Resistance
- Selected sarking materials may now be used wherever a non-combustible material is required.
- Concession for fire-protected timber may now be applicated to all building classes.
Access & Egress
- Verification measures have been included to consider access and egress for people with disabilities.
- A new provision has been included to require push button devices be installed with accompanying signage
- New provision to include that an automatic unlocking door must also be readily openable.
- New requirements for signage at sanitary facilities including the nearest location of an accessible adult change facility
- Clarification that the maximum distance required between alternative exits needs to be measure through the point at which different directions of travel is available.
Services & Equipment
- A fire hydrant system must be provided to serve a building where a fire brigade station is (a) no more than 50km from the building; and (b) equipped with equipment capable of utilising a fire hydrant.
- New hydrant provisions have been included to permit alternative protection measures for fire hydrant boosters located within 3.5m and 10m from the building it protects.
- Fire hydrant booster protection for sprinkler protected buildings are no longer required.
- Office buildings will no longer require fire hose reels.
- Portable fire extinguishers for some Office buildings will now be required.
- Sprinkler protection must be provided for apartment/multi-unit residential and Hotel buildings and single dwellings located over commercial use buildings that have a rise in storey of 4 or more and an effective height not more than 25m
- Sprinkler provisions also now include an additional requirement for “residential care building” so that sprinkler protection is required for residents who require assistance, such as children and people with a disability, as well as the aged.
Health & Amenity
- A new verification method has been included to verify compliance with the prevention of overflow in a bathroom, laundry or the like, from entering a space in the storey below.
- Sanitary facilities are no longer required for employees (owners, managers, workers & contractors) in an apartment/multi-unit residential building that contains more than 10 sole-occupancy units.
- Accessible adult change facilities in Retail and Public assembly buildings will now be required in: (a) new or redeveloped shopping centres with a design occupancy of greater than 3,500;(b) new museums, art galleries and theatres with a design occupancy greater than 1,500; (c) new stadiums with a design occupancy greater than 3,500; (d) new indoor aquatic facilities with a main pool area perimeter exceeding 70m; and (e) all new or redeveloped airports.
- The required room height for an accessible adult change facility is confirmed at 2.4m.
- A new provision has been included for water vapour and condensation management, including provisions for the installation of water control membranes, ventilation of roof spaces and the discharge of exhaust systems to minimize the impacts of risks associated with water vapour and condensation.
Ancillary Provisions
- New provisions are now included to clarify the application of building code requirements to occupiable outdoors areas, such as roof top bars and cinemas
Energy Efficiency
- Energy efficiency changes will not be a mandatory requirement until 1st May 2020
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