With similar properties to Vitracore V2, Larcore A2 maintains a honeycomb core; sandwiched between uncoated aluminium panels and is AS1501 deemed non-combustible, offering a suitable architectural wall cladding option.

Produced through a unique continuous manufacturing process, Larcore A2 delivers outstanding properties and is able to be produced in pieces up to 2 meters wide by 15 meters long, making it suitable for large modulation projects.

The unique aluminum honeycomb core, Larcore A2 offers a lightweight architectural solution, fireproof rigid panels and is non-toxic, recyclable, insulating and energy efficient, providing a notable architectural material.

Local supplier, Alucoil, can be contacted for further information and choice of finishes

e | info@alucoilaustralia.com   p | (03) 9357 7047


Larcore Specifications